My Stories Matter

My Stories Matter helps people connect by sharing their stories, memories, and experiences safely, securely, and confidentially. My Stories Matter mimics how we tell and share stories in real life. It was built in consultation with psychology professors and leverages the latest academic research on reminiscing, nostalgia, memory, and positive well-being. I’ve written various articles ranging across a number of different topics to help push their goal forward.

6 Ways to Prevent Memory Loss (and It Has Nothing to do With Age)

Blog Post - 10.21.2022

Are there just some memories you don't want to forget?

We’ve all been there. While remembering everything isn’t possible, there are activities you can do to help prevent memory loss. That summer ice cream cone in the park, that family reunion in the mountains, your first kiss doesn’t have to fade into oblivion.

Keep your mind fresh with these six foolproof, easy actions!


Exercise keeps blood flowing through your brain, not just your body, keeping your memory sharp. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic exercise, such as jogging, spread throughout the week.

If you don't have time for a full workout, squeeze in a few 10-minute walks a day! Exercise apps are a great motivator to track how much you work out.

Numerous studies have demonstrated that exercise may boost the release of neuroprotective proteins and enhance the growth and development of neurons, both of which contribute to better brain health—a lower risk of dementia linked to regular exercise in midlife.  

Challenge your Brain

Similar to physical exercise, mental exercise is just as important! Mental stimulation keeps your brain engaged and healthy, keeping memory loss at bay.

Try something you’ve never done before! Whether it’s crossword puzzles, playing chess, cards, scrabble, musical instruments, learning a new language, reading a new book, joining a book club, or doing charity work.

For example, research involving 42 people with moderate cognitive impairment discovered that spending 8 hours per week for four weeks playing games on a brain-training app improved performance on memory tests.


Social interaction helps ward off depression and stress, contributing to memory loss. Those stimulating conversations with friends and family keep our minds engaged and challenged. Therefore, look for opportunities to get together with loved ones, especially if you live alone.

My Stories Matter is a great place to collaborate with friends and family! However, hanging out with friends or family is not always possible due to the current times. As time goes by, details might get blurry. Work with family or friends to fill in the blanks or ask about their memories of a shared event. 

Sleep Right

Memory consolidation, the process through which short-term memories are turned into long-lasting memories, critically depends on sleep. Adults typically require seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Inadequate sleep causes memory loss.

A study examined the impact of sleep on 40 kids between 10 and 14. One had training for memory tests in the evening, followed by testing the next morning. The memory tests showed a 20% improvement in performance.

In addition, nurses who worked the night shift had higher rates of arithmetic mistakes and worse memory test scores (68% lower) than those who worked the day shift. Your brain can analyze the day's events and create memories as you sleep.  


Your health will benefit in a variety of ways through meditation. Research has shown that it may lower blood pressure, lessen tension and discomfort, and even help with memory. People’s short-term memory may be improved by meditation and relaxation approaches.

For instance, one study found that Taiwanese college students who practiced mindfulness and other forms of meditation had significantly better spatial working memory than those who did not.

Mindful Meditation is associated with an overall improvement in psychological well-being and a decreased risk of age-related cognitive decline.  

Eat Healthy

Although you might only associate healthy food with benefits to your heart and waistline, your brain also benefits greatly. Obesity can alter the brain's genes connected to memory, which has a detrimental impact on memory. Inflammation and insulin resistance, which can damage the brain, are further consequences of obesity.

What you eat influences your memory. For example, according to a new analysis of nine research involving more than 31,000 participants, people who eat more fruits and vegetables had lower odds of cognitive decline and dementia than those who eat fewer healthy foods.

Reducing your sugar intake benefits both your memory and general wellness. A diet high in sugar links to lower brain volume and memory problems, especially in the portion of the brain that maintains short-term memory. More than 4,000 participants in another study discovered that those who consumed more sugary drinks like soda had, on average, smaller overall brain sizes and worse memory than those who consumed less sugar.

My Stories Matter Here to the Rescue

Try incorporating these scientifically proven strategies into your daily routine to improve your memory today!

My Stories Matter is custom-built to help with memory loss. Remember to capture memories while they are still vivid; your future self will appreciate them. Sign up for free today!


Note: Written under the alias “Arnold” and “Dan,” the CEO and COO.


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